A pass for Joshua Smith to White Plains and back, from American Major General Benedict Arnold. Smith was later charged by Arnold to escort British Major John André back across American lines. Major André was working with American Major General Benedict Arnold, who was attempting to help the British capture the fort at West Point. As Major André was heading towards the British lines with documents given to him by Major Arnold tucked in his boot, he was captured, near Tarrytown, on September 23, 1780. André was hanged as a spy, at Tappan on October 2, 1780. Benedict Arnold escaped to New York City, eventually commanding British troops in the American Revolution. He died in exile in London, on June 14, 1801.
Date Original
September 22 1780
New York State Archives. New York (State). Governor (1777-1795: Clinton). Papers found on British spy Major Andre ("Andre Papers"), 1780. Series A4681-99, Smith Pass 3 Front.
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