An Ethiopian nobleman standing in front of a house with women of his household. All are wearing the traditional white garb of Ethiopia. The women are wearing dark cloaks over them, and three are wearing hats. The fourth is bareheaded, and covering her face. The nobleman carries a hat and what may be a fly-swatter. Imperial Ethiopia had a large, powerful aristocracy.
Based on information provided by family members, the man has been identified as Ras Bitwoded Makonnen Endalkachew and the woman in the middle as his first wife, Zewditu Mengesha Atikum. Mekonnen Endelkachew served as Prime Minister of Ethiopia under Emperor Haile Selassie.
Date Original
New York State Archives. New York (State). Education Dept. Division of Visual Instruction. Instructional lantern slides, ca. 1856-1939. A3045-78, A15459.
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