Bonds of Johannes Gillissen Verbrug, Govert Loockermans, Hendrick Jacobsen Patervaer, and Pieter Schabanck as security for certain goods shipped in the Bonte Koe

Bond. Joannes Gillesen Verbrugge to indemnify the director general and council for all claims they may have against certain merchandise in the ship Spotted Cow, consigned to Oloff Stevensen (van Cortland). [1651]

Like bond. Govert Loockermans, for Benjamin van de Water. [1651]

Like bond. Hendrick Jacobsen Patervaert, for Dirck Jansen Nes. [1651]

Like bond. Peter Schabanck for Johannes de Peyster. [1651]
Date Original
June 14 1651
Kip, Jacob Hendricksz
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Secretary of the Province. Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1642-1660. Series A0270-78. Volume 3, documents 86a-d - 86e-h, side 1.
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