Indian deed to John Frederick Bauch, Christian Zeke, Johannes Zeke, Michael Wanner and Johannes Knisker, 1752

Indian deed to John Frederick Bauch, and four others, for a certain tract of land, in the county of Albany, to the westward of Schoharie, and on the south side of a creek, called by the indians Otsgarege, and by the inhabitants Cobus kill, containing about 4,000 acres (Cobleskill, Schoharie Co.), indorsed with Certificate of Cadwallader Colden, that the bounds described therein are correct, and that the purchase money has been paid and is legally executed.

Date Original
November 9 1752
New York State Archives. Dept. of State. Applications for land grants, 1642-1803. A0272-78, Volume 15, page 19.
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Applications for land grants