Stuyvesant Town, N.Y. (Actually Manhattan Island)

View of the Empire State Building and its environs on Manhattan Island seen from the Lower East Side in New York City. The photograph shows Stuyvesant Town in the early stages of construction, looking northwest from a point approximately overhead Avenue C and 13th Street. When the photograph was taken the site had not been completely cleared. Buildings are shown which were subsequently demolished; 18th Street as well as Avenues A and B from 14th Street to 23rd Street were eliminated and became part of the development - to be covered by the Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village apartment houses and parkland. The original label on this photograph gives the incorrect spelling of "Stuvestant Town."
Date Original
May 13 1946
New York State Archives, Aerial photographic prints and negatives of New York State sites, 1941-1957, B1598-99. Box 10, no. 44.
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