[Description provided by published index] Patent. Obadiah Bruen, Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tamkins, John Brown, Rober Denison, and the other inhabitants of the town of New Worke at Achter Coll, all the lands belonging to said town bounded east by the bay, north by the Passayack River, south by the great kil or river called Weequahick, and running in the valley to the head of the Inboght, and thence to the foot of the high hill called Watching, being about 7 or 8 English miles from Passayackdorp, and from the hill aforesaid to the third kil in Passayack river, which kill is called Yantakah, &c. (New Jersey).
Date Original
May 21 1674
New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.2.
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